Tina C

Thank You so much for your reply, my delayed response is also due to our holiday which, thanks to OSMO patch, was more comfortable! I have recommended the use of these patches to several of my associates as I am very happy with the results. Regards


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Excruciating pain of bursitis

Please pass on my eternal thanks for this product. I would like to say how wonderful the patches are.  I am proof that they work. I am 80 years old and had the excruciating pain of bursitis for 10 days. I used up three boxes of painkillers to no avail.  Then in desperation looked on […]

Mavis S.
Gartempe, France
Shoulder problems

Hi Toky,  I just received my parcel yesterday Wed Dec. 29th and after following the directions how to apply I put one on and it’s easing the pain in my shoulder. It seems that it’s working for me and I have to be careful to watch the food I am eating. I am quite please […]

Calgary Alberta, Canada
Bursitis in my Elbow

Attention Toky, Customer care.

Hi Toky, just to say we’ve ordered 20 more patches as the first lot really improved the Bursitis in my Elbow. It reduced the pain mainly, but although it seems full of fluid in the mornings the swelling has not reduced greatly.

Mind you it’s quite an art fitting them firmly to an elbow and still being able to move!


John W
QLD, Australia)
Joint Pain - Swollen Knee

Just to give you an update: I finally received my order and I’m very happy to say that this helps me a lot with the swelling on my knee. Thank you.

Ofelia V
NY, United States
Baker's cyst

Good morning

We have been using your patches for a few days now and we find them helpful.

They are draining fluid from the cyst and that is a good sign.


Andy S
QLD, Australia
Bakers cyst on the knee


I got the patches yesterday evening. I have had five knee operations on my right knee and have arthritis. I also have a baker’s cyst on the back of my knee and off to the front.

I tried it last night and I was surprised at the results and it actually took away some of the swelling. I work out every other day and I think these will help.



Leo J
Alabama, United States
Baker's cyst

Hi Toky,

Thank you very much for sending the patches to Ukraine.

My mother finds them very helpful and asked if I could get her more.


Vitaliy V
Ternopil Region, Ukraine
Baker's cyst

Hi there!

My mother had 20 patches, it made a lot of difference for her knee, she got a big relief out of it, she started bending her knee now after many years,

With best regards

Mesrak M
Argyll, United Kingdom
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