Wrist Bursitis

Are you suffering from inflammation, swelling or other painful symptoms of Bursitis in the Wrist?

Wrist Bursitis Treatment - OSMO Patch

Discover the OSMO Patch:

Is Wrist Bursitis pain affecting your work, sleep or lifestyle?

If you are currently suffering from inflammation, swelling or other painful symptoms caused by a bursitis in your wrist or hand, then it is highly likely that this is starting to affect your work, sleep and lifestyle.

Furthermore, if you are someone who enjoyed physical activities prior to developing a wrist bursitis, then it can be quite mentally challenging to deal with. bursitis in the wrist can often make even everyday activities difficult, dramatically impacting your quality of life. This resulting change in lifestyle, combined with the ongoing pain and disrupted sleep, may possibly lead to depression in some individuals.

Hence, it is important to make sure that you properly address this as early as possible.

Together with proper rest the OSMO Patch is the ideal way to naturally relieve the inflammation, swelling and associated pain caused by bursitis in the hand or wrist.

So if you are suffering from a bursitis in either the hand or wrist and nothing else seems to have worked, or you just want to discover a natural treatment option, then the OSMO Patch may be the ANSWER!.

We truly hope that the information provided on this page will be the beginning of your journey to becoming pain free and regaining your quality of life once again!

To learn more about wrist bursitis, such as what is wrist bursitis, the symptoms and causes of bursitis in the wrist as well as how the OSMO Patch may be used to help reduce the swelling and associated pain due to wrist bursitis, then please continue reading below…

What is Wrist Bursitis?

The smooth movement of tendons across bones and other tissue in the hand is aided by small lubricated balloon like structures in the hand called a bursa (also spelt Bursae). There are many of these bursae throughout the body but two in particular protect the tendons in the hands. These are called the radial bursa and the ulnar bursa.

When injury in the wrist causes a bursa to become inflamed this condition is known as wrist bursitis.

What are causes of wrist bursitis?

As mentioned the wrist is an extremely overused joint in the body and the constant stresses that the wrist undergoes on a daily basis is rarely appreciated until wrist pain occurs.

There are many things that can result in a wrist injury leading to wrist pain and bursitis in the wrist. These include:

  • Repetitive strain injury due to activities such as, long hours keying at the computer, gardening, cleaning and other such tasks.
  • Sudden impact such as from a fall, sporting injury or blow.
  • Natural wear and tear of the joints.
  • Pre-existing inflammatory conditions.

What are the symptoms of wrist bursitis?

Signs and symptoms of wrist bursitis can include;

  • Wrist pain at rest,
  • Pain in the wrist when bending the hand back,
  • Swelling and tenderness that may appear as a lump on the wrist
  • Moderate to severe wrist pain when lifting heavy objects.

What are some options for wrist bursitis treatment?

As with most types of bursitis, wrist bursitis may be simply treated with ice, immobilisation and rest within the first 24-48 hrs following the initial onset of wrist pain or inflammation. If caught early and treated this way, then wrist bursitis has a better chance of resolving without further intervention than most other types of bursitis.

Unfortunately many individuals miss this initial window and their wrist bursitis continues to cause swelling and pain in the wrist.

A doctor will normally offer one of three options for treatment of wrist bursitis pain. This may include; anti-inflammatory medication, injection with cortisone or aspiration of fluid from the bursa using a syringe if there is a large visible lump (this is normally quite a painful procedure for most people). For a lot of individuals these methods for wrist bursitis treatment may just not be an option. Understandably this could be for a number of reasons… including;

  • Having tried already one or more of these with little to no benefit.
  • Not being suitable for these types of wrist bursitis treatments due to age and health.
  • Having a contra-indicative pre-existing medical condition.

In addition such procedures are known to be painful and therefore seen as invasive by some individuals currently suffering from wrist pain caused by bursitis. Then again some people may just prefer to investigate what natural wrist bursitis treatment options are available.

Fortunately… the OSMO Patch combined with proper rest now offers an Intelligent Natural Alternative!

The OSMO Patch is especially designed to draw fluid from the body and reduce swelling and associated pain in conditions such as wrist bursitis. The OSMO Patch is ideal for supporting the reduction of swelling and pain associated with bursitis and inflammation in the wrist.

Simply stick the OSMO Patch over the lump or area of pain on the wrist just before going to sleep. The patch can then go to work removing fluid and stimulating blood flow continually throughout the night while you sleep. Then when you wake up in the morning the used patch is removed from the wrist and simply discarded.

It is truly that simple! » See what people are saying after trying the OSMO Patch

The OSMO Patch is an ideal natural alternative for relieving inflammation, swelling and associated pain bursitis in the hand or wrist.

Used in combination with proper rest the OSMO Patch now provides a natural alternative way to support the relief of inflammation and pain associated with hand and wrist bursitis.

Whats more the OSMO Patch:

  • Provides Pain Free Effective Relief!
  • Is an Intelligent Natural Alternative!
  • Contains Absolutely No Drugs or Steroids!
  • Is Non-Invasive & works while you SLEEP!, & importantly...
  • Is Backed by our 90 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

So if you are ready for a natural & effective approach to supporting the relief of inflammation and pain due to bursitis in the wrist then the OSMO Patch is the Answer!

ORDER the OSMO Patch Today!

Note: Not suitable for individuals with seafood or shellfish allergies.

OSMO Patch single pack

1 x 10 Pk OSMO Patch


* Plus fixed price worldwide P&H

OSMO Patch - 2 Pack


2 x 10 Pk OSMO Patch

£54.00  £47.00*

* Plus fixed price worldwide P&H

Disclaimer: The information on this page is intended for individuals who have been medically diagnosed with wrist bursitis. If you suspect that you have bursitis in the wrist then it is important to visit a qualified medical professional in order to rule out any other possible causes prior to considering any advice or treatment option.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Joint Pain

I got it yesterday! Used it last night and it is already helping with the pain quite a bit! Thank you so much for your considerate responses.

Jeanette Q
IL, United States
Joint Pain - Swollen Knee

Just to give you an update: I finally received my order and I’m very happy to say that this helps me a lot with the swelling on my knee. Thank you.

Ofelia V
NY, United States
Shoulder problems

Dear Danniel, I’ve just ordered my second lot of patches and have noticed a vast improvement in my shoulder. I just wanted to let you know I think they are working and will continue to use them. Thank you and I will be telling people all about your website.  Regards

Janet R
SA, Australia
Fluid collected around my knee due to arthritis

These have been a god send….I never actually ended up using them on a baker’s Cyst but rather on the fluid that had collected around my knee due to arthritis.  What an amazing product! How do I order more? Thank you,

Pam H
Connecticut, United States
General & Knee problems


I have used your patches with great success for a bursa that I got when I was thrown from a horse.

I have used it also for my husband’s knee.


Joan G
North Carolina, United States
Fluid on knees

We have purchased your patches for application on my husband’s knee.  It certainly drained some fluid from his knees, giving some relief after one application.

Sharon B
Alberta, Canada
Joint Pain

They work so well for my husband I placed another double order yesterday so I have them on hand when he needs them. The patches are the only thing that has ever given him relief.

Ann W
SC, United States
Joint Pain

I used 4 patches last night for first time. I received them in the mail more than a week ago. How foolish of me not to open sooner. My 1 night of patches and I wake up without pain. OMG! These are like magic. Thank you so much.

Bev E
British Columbia, CANADA
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