Plantar Fasciitis

Is plantar fasciitis pain stopping you from jogging, playing sports, wearing your favourite pair of shoes and maybe even affecting your work, exercise or lifestyle in general?

Before we look at how the OSMO Patch can help let’s firstly get a better understanding of a few important questions such as; what is plantar fasciitis, what causes plantar fasciitis, what are the signs and symptoms of plantar fasciitis and what are the treatments for plantar fasciitis.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a painful inflammatory condition caused by overusing or over-stressing the plantar fascia (the foot’s arch tendon). This condition is usually characterised by the irritation and inflammation of the band of tissues that support the arch of the foot, also known as the plantar fascia.

Plantar fasciitis is most common among runners, overweight people and pregnant women. People wearing shoes with inadequate padding and support are also at high risk of developing this condition.

What are the common causes of Plantar Fasciitis?

This condition may be caused by any, or a combination, of the following:

  • Tight calf muscles: This causes high-velocity pronation of the foot which leads to repetitive overstretching of the plantar fascia. The fascia loses strength, becomes stiff and gets inflamed eventually.
  • Over-pronation: This happens when the foot rolls inward too much when walking (excessive pronation)
  • Extra load on the feet: Sudden increase in weight can over-strain the plantar fascia.
  • Wearing of footwear with poor arch support: Ideal footwear should be lace-up, flat and with good cushioning.
  • Walking, standing and running on hard surfaces over a long period of time can also contribute in the gradual development of plantar fasciitis.

What are the symptoms and signs of plantar fasciitis?

People with plantar fasciitis experience a sharp, shooting pain in the heel area. Usually the pain in the heel is first felt when taking the first step in the morning after getting out of bed. The degree of pain may increase throughout the day. The heel may hurt the most when climbing stairs or after a prolonged standing.

Common symptoms experienced by people with plantar fasciitis include the following:

  • pain under the heel
  • pain along the arch and when pressing the inside of the heel
  • morning heel pain due to the tightening of the fascia overnight
  • pain when stretching the plantar fascia

Plantar fasciitis treatment

Plantar fasciitis treatment may vary depending on the degree of pain and severity of the condition.

Nonsurgical plantar fasciitis treatment may include the following:

  • Resting or minimising physical activities
  • Rolling feet on ice or on cold, bottled water for 20 minutes
  • Taking anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal medications (as per doctor’s prescription)
  • Specialised and localised exercise such as calf stretching and plantar fascia stretching
  • Cortisone injections
  • Wearing of supportive footwear and orthotics
  • Wearing of night splints
  • Enrolling into a physical therapy program
  • Undergoing extracorporeal shock-wave therapy (ESWT)

If pain becomes more advanced, then the following surgical procedures may be performed:

  • Gastrocnemius recession
  • Plantar fascia release
  • Endoscopic release
  • Ultrasound-guided fasciotomy
  • Coblation surgery (topaz technique)

How can the OSMO Patch Help?

Combined with adequate rest the OSMO Patch offers a 100% natural and complimentary method to reduce inflammation and pain associated with plantar fasciitis and may be used;

  • In conjunction with other treatments
  • By individuals that may have already tried anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid injections with little to no benefit.
  • Unable to use anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids due to age or a pre-existing medical condition.
  • Worried about painful and invasive procedures such as cortisone injections and surgery, or
  • By anyone just wishing to use natural complimentary treatments.

The OSMO Patch has been developed to naturally draw fluid from the body and reduce swelling and associated pain in common joint and muscular conditions such as plantar fasciitis.

Just apply the OSMO Patch directly over the area of pain before going to bed; the OSMO Patch then goes to work removing fluid and stimulating blood flow continuously through the night while you sleep. When you wake up just remove the used patch and then simply discard.

It is truly that simple! » See what people are saying after trying the OSMO Patch

What’s more the OSMO Patches are:

  • 100% natural
  • Drugs & Steroid Free
  • Non-Invasive & Pain free… and,
  • Backed by our No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

So if you are ready for a natural & effective approach to supporting the relief of inflammation & pain due to plantar fasciitis then the OSMO Patch is the Answer!

ORDER the OSMO Patch Today!

Note: Not suitable for individuals with seafood or shellfish allergies.

OSMO Patch single pack

1 x 10 Pk OSMO Patch


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* Plus fixed price worldwide P&H

OSMO Patch - 2 Pack


2 x 10 Pk OSMO Patch

£54.00  £47.00*

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* Plus fixed price worldwide P&H

Disclaimer: The information on this page is intended for individuals who have been medically diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. If you suspect that you have plantar fasciitis then it is important to visit a qualified medical professional in order to rule out any other possible causes prior to considering any advice or treatment option.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Heel bursitis

Hi Toky, the patches are starting to offer relief for my son’s heel. He is finally looking on the bright side.

Over the past month, he has had 2 drainages, 2 cortisone shots, and referred to 2 different specialists. The end result was either an operation to shave the bone, reattach the tendon and be off his game for a season…..not his option.

So I started the patches on him that night. The next day relief was evident. We have used 6 so far and he can now feel the bone in his heel. It is still red, but nowhere as bad. Still tender, but not as painful.

Thank you so much.

Colleen O
NSW, Australia
Achilles Enthesopathy

I used this patch from yesterday.

My first patch application was wonderful. I feel no pain and discomfort on my retrocalcaneal area.

After removal of patch I could see some fluid or discharges like a chocolate color discharge on my applied area.

Bibin J
VIC Australia
Bursitis in heel

Dear Wonderful Mediwise Pty. Ltd.

My brother bought your patches for the bursitis in my heel.

After the first patch on Tuesday, I saw no results. After the second patch, I was actually worse. Then while wearing the third patch yesterday, I was thrilled to see improvement…so much so that I cancelled the appointment that I had with the doctor…scheduled for today!

Now I’m using the fifth patch, and of course am anxious to see what the end of today will bring.


Judy B
Georgia, United States
Ankle and hips (trochanter bursitis)

Thank you very much.

I have used the patches on three areas with amazing results. One was on my ankle, 12 hours later the pain was completely resolved. The other two were on my hips for greater trochanter bursitis.

Both hips feel not completely pain-free, but a dramatic difference.

So thank you, and I have to say I am amazed.

Mandi D
NSW, Australia
Bursitis in the ball of the foot

Hi, I have had bursitis in the ball of my left foot for 2 months and it was suggested I have a cortisone injections. This freaked me out and decided to look online for a natural remedy and found these.

Well after 2 nights of the patches the pain and swelling have reduced a huge amount.

I am so impressed I will recommend this product to anyone who asks of the benefits.


Zoë H
QLD, Australia)
Ankle (Achilles Bursitis)

About 2 years ago I developed bursitis on my right ankle which was extremely painful. I tried traditional physio, ultrasound, laser, and stretching to no avail.

I discovered the OSMO Patch website and decided to keep an open mind and try the OSMO Patch.

After all those months of continuous pain, much to my surprise, I experienced a significant improvement such that I can now walk several kilometers, and am not in constant pain all day long! I have now ordered a 3rd set of Patches, and am sure these will end the problem entirely.

Dave Livingstone
British Columbia, Canada
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