Tessa L
I have had bursitis in my right shoulder for more than three years, after about 6 months of physio, I still have a lot of pain. About 1yr & 2 months ago I developed bursitis in the left shoulder and left elbow, which causes me to have very disturbed sleeps and I cannot sleep on my left side, I have had treatment with an Osteopath, the pain subsided only temporarily
I have now used 9 of your patches, 2 on my elbow and the rest on my shoulder, the improvement in my shoulder has been amazing, I still have a lot of pain but the movement has improving so much that I don’t hesitate in getting dressed as previously just pulling a T-shirt over my head was painful.
I have just order another 20 patches that I can apply to the initial right shoulder for more healing.
Thank you so much and I hope more people find your website.
What a blessing.
Cheers for now,