Rose C


My name is Rose Cochrane I purchased your bursitis patches, and I would like to tell you that I had tremendous relief from your patches. I have also spread the word told my doctor, and my cousin who has just purchased your patches, her name is Lorraine XXXX.

Thank you so much. I will be purchasing more patches very soon



Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

I received the patches. Thank-you. I am happy with the results and will use this product in the future. Thanks,

Kevin G
Arizona, United States
Baker's cyst

Thank you.

I never thought I would be able to walk without pain again.

Thanks to your product, I was pain free the day after I applied the first patch.

Marcia M
Indiana, United States
Baker's cyst

Thank you for your excellent product.

First use was fantastic and after five times it had solved my problem of my swollen and stiff knee. I ordered another batch just to keep some extras on hand because from now on, I won’t do without them.

I have already recommended them to several people that have had similar problems. Thanks again for your wonderful product. I’m very grateful for the OSMO Patches.

Jeanine L
Texas, United States
Joint Pain - Swollen Knee

Just to give you an update: I finally received my order and I’m very happy to say that this helps me a lot with the swelling on my knee. Thank you.

Ofelia V
NY, United States
Hip bursitis

Hi Toky,

Thank you for the prompt delivery of Patches. They arrived early Tuesday morning.

My wife used one last night on her hip and was surprised to find this morning that it was damp. There was a marked decrease in pain in the bursitis area. Of course, it is far too early to judge results yet, but the signs are encouraging so early. We will let you know later how the treatment performs over time. The location in the hip area will be a very good test, being so deep-seated.

Thanks again,

Kindest regards

Bob & Marjorie B
NSW, Australia
Elbow Bursitis

The OSMO Patch worked great for my wife’s elbow bursitis,

I’ve placed another order through the website, a work colleague was just diagnosed with hip bursitis and I’ve recommended OSMO Patch.

Fantastic product.

Jackson P
TN, United States
Bursitis in my Elbow

Attention Toky, Customer care.

Hi Toky, just to say we’ve ordered 20 more patches as the first lot really improved the Bursitis in my Elbow. It reduced the pain mainly, but although it seems full of fluid in the mornings the swelling has not reduced greatly.

Mind you it’s quite an art fitting them firmly to an elbow and still being able to move!


John W
QLD, Australia)
Tendonitis or bursitis

I have been prescribed XXXXXXXX 750mg for my shoulder. Tendonitis or bursitis, my Doctor said. The anti inflammatory meds were working well until I moved some furniture for my wife and then the pain came right back with a vengeance I put a patch on my shoulder last night and was amazed when I removed […]

Virginia, United States
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