Mandi D

Thank you very much.

I have used the patches on three areas with amazing results.

One was on my ankle…12 hours later the pain was completely resolved. The other two spots were on my hips for greater trochanter bursitis. One hip had been injected with cortisone and local anaesthetic on Monday. The patch applied on Friday night…no result as far as the ‘mucky stuff. The other hip..due to be injected next week…plenty of muck. Both hips feel not completely pain free, but a dramatic difference.

So thank you and i have to say I am amazed. The cortisone is not working so well anymore and I am happy to have found an answer.
Many, many thanks.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

General Bursitis

Dear Toky,   Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll look forward using the patches again as they were so successful last time.   Kind regards

Merle O
London, United Kingdom
Baker's Cyst

I just want to let you know that I had a very painful Bakers Cyst behind my right knee. I had around 20 patches, one each night and the cyst has gone.

Such a great relief from the pain.

I am back again buying more as I have some fluid on top of the knee, but thought I would mention it to you.

Kind regards

Carole M
London, UK
Bursa in elbow

Dear Toky,

My patches arrived on Feb. 10th. I have now used 9 of the patches, wearing one sometimes during the day.

I have noticed significant results, although there is still some swelling in the bursa in my left elbow.

George A
Utah, United States
Baker's cyst

To whom it may concern,

Got my patches yesterday and skeptically put one on last night.

I woke up this morning astonished, pain gone, flexibility back.

Don’t know how you discovered this but thank you. I will be ordering more as needed.

Anthony A
Connecticut, United States
Knee problems

Many thanks Toky….

The patches were fab last time and it’s now been over 6 months since I have had to use them.

Alas, it seems my bursitis is back, so hence the need for the wonder patches……

I got a bit careless with kneeling on my knee, so all my fault

Sarah K
West Sussex, United Kingdom
Buristis (the size of a hardball) in elbow

So, I had bursitis (the size of a hardball) in my elbow. Three doctor visits (3) draining visits but swelling returned instantly.

Tried your patches and after 10 apps. it has completely disappeared!

Thank You

Ed L
Washington, United States
Hip bursitis

Hi Toky,

Thank you for the prompt delivery of Patches. They arrived early Tuesday morning.

My wife used one last night on her hip and was surprised to find this morning that it was damp. There was a marked decrease in pain in the bursitis area. Of course, it is far too early to judge results yet, but the signs are encouraging so early. We will let you know later how the treatment performs over time. The location in the hip area will be a very good test, being so deep-seated.

Thanks again,

Kindest regards

Bob & Marjorie B
NSW, Australia
Baker's Cyst

I’ve had bakers cyst under my knee cap for 5 years and I’ve been in constant agony and haven’t been able to bend my knee for 5 years.

All my doctor could come up with was sticking needles under my knee cap, but 3 days on patches and it’s amazing swelling has almost gone, pain is a lot less and for the first time I will be able to get on floor and play with my grandson this christmas.

Thank you it means so much to me.

Steve J
Denbighshire, UK
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