Kerry M

I had a work accident 5 years ago and fractured both of my feet. The specialist said feet never heel well. He was right. I suffered terrible pain and swelling constantly. Since then l have what the Dr called an akward injury. I turned my body without turning my knees and hence fractured the soft bone in one knee… again more swelling. Since using your product on my knee and feet l have no swelling and a lot less pain. I can actually bend my feet again and l even said welcome back!!! Such relief.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

Hello, Thanks very much…. This order is my second one…. I developed a Baker’s cyst (I think) behind my left knee, jumping up and down hard on a truckload of brush I was trying to compact…. I’m 67 years old, and the next morning, I had pain behind my knees, then a large egg behind […]

Sam E
California, United States
Shoulder Bursitis

I had a sudden case of Shoulder Bursitis, in fact, the Orthopaedic Surgeon said it was the most severe and immediate he had seen in years. He gave cortisone shot and Rx Narcotics that barely cut the pain. No sleep as pain worse at night. In my desperation for relief I searched the internet to […]

T. Mule
Colorado, United States
Joint Pain

They work so well for my husband I placed another double order yesterday so I have them on hand when he needs them. The patches are the only thing that has ever given him relief.

Ann W
SC, United States
General Bursitis

Thank you for the bursitis patches.  My husband has used them every night for 7 days and it is almost completely gone. He feels really good about it. Best regards,

Emmanuella G
New Jersey, United States
Swollen elbow


My name is Garry Gracey; I am a former HANDBALL CHAMPION. I banged my elbow while playing handball. It became swollen after a few days, and my family doctor recommended not to drain the bursa on the elbow but to have it take its natural healing course. “Being impatient” I googled and found OSMO Patches. They were AMAZING in such that after 5 applications of OSMO patches, the swelling on my elbow disappeared.

For a visual of the before and after, attached are the pictures.

Thank you very much,

Garry I. Gracey
British Columbia, Canada
General Bursitis

Thank you very much.  I used the patches from a previous order for 10 days and they helped a lot. I am hoping that by continuing to use them, my condition with bursitis will be completely cleared up. I will let you know the results.

Nancy K
South Carolina, United States
Joint Pain

I got it yesterday! Used it last night and it is already helping with the pain quite a bit! Thank you so much for your considerate responses.

Jeanette Q
IL, United States
General Bursitis

Hello, I had used these patches and sceptical at first am totally convinced and they do work. Thanks

Gerald P
Florida, United States
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