
I have found these patches to be fantastic giving me huge relief.



Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

Hi there!

I’ve been wanting to write you about your product, OSMO Patches.

I have a baker’s cyst behind my knee that I’ve had aspirated three times at great expense. After the third time of aspiration, the doctor injected steroids, stating that I most likely wouldn’t ever have another problem. Well, my cyst began to return in about 3 days and was soon as large as it had been before my procedure. Tears.

Long story short, I went online and found your product, OSMO Patches. I was so excited to try it. The first night nothing really happened; but the second morning when I removed the patch, I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was thrilled!!! It really worked! I kept using your patches and after about a week my cyst was hardly noticeable! AND THAT’S THE TRUTH!!

Thank you so much for developing OSMO Patches, I’m still amazed as to how they work?!


Terry M
Oregon, United States
Elbow bursitis

My elbow and shoulder were both injured at the same time, which were attended to by a highly respected orthopaedic physician.

After treatment, my shoulder fully recovered but the bursitis continued in full bloom. My doctor did not suggest draining it because the bursitis would likely return. After 7 weeks of no relief I researched the Internet for answers. That is when I discovered your product. On applying your patch to my elbow for 3 days the bursitis disappeared.

Simply amazing. Thank you!

Robert F
Florida, United States
Shoulder Bursitis

I have had terrible bursitis pain in my right shoulder since Christmas eve, 2017. Have been on various analgesics (on and off) since with varying degrees of success. I stumbled upon your product a few days ago and thought “What the heck, I’ll give it a go as nothing else has worked”. I’ve used the […]

Allan W
NSW, Australia
Achilles Enthesopathy

I used this patch from yesterday.

My first patch application was wonderful. I feel no pain and discomfort on my retrocalcaneal area.

After removal of patch I could see some fluid or discharges like a chocolate color discharge on my applied area.

Bibin J
VIC Australia
Hip bursitis

Hi, My 81-year-old mother has been suffering from hip bursitis for several years.

She got some relief from regular corticosteroid injections. However, the last time she had this treatment, the injection was not carried out properly and she was in agony for several days. Consequently, she has been frightened to receive this treatment again, and the pain was getting progressively worse. She had not been sleeping and could not walk far.

I found the OSMO website and thought I’d give it a go. My mum has just completed the first course of 10 patches, and she has a completely new lease of life. It really is amazing how quickly this treatment has had an effect. She has been sleeping much better and walked further at the weekend than she has for many months. I have ordered a further 20 patches. Many thanks.

David P
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Baker's cyst

Dear Sir or Madam: I purchased the OSMO patch several weeks ago and just started using them 4 days ago for my Bakers Cyst behind my knee.  I must admit I was very skeptical but I have noticed a change and less swelling in the area behind my knee.   Thank you

Karen B
Illinois, United States
General Bursitis

Dear Toky,   Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll look forward using the patches again as they were so successful last time.   Kind regards

Merle O
London, United Kingdom
Bakers Cyst on the knee

Hello Toky,

4 more patches to go, and I can report great improvement!

I can bend the knee, the lump in the back is so much smaller, (by half?) I think. Not even thinking of a drain needle and cortisone shot at this point.

Thank you so much.

North Carolina, United States
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