Janet H

So far the patches are working great.



Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

I just send you an other order of patches, It helps me a lot especially to sleep because I am always in pain with my bakers’cyst so I do not want to run out of patches. Thank You

Lilianne L
Ontario, Canada
Bakers Cyst on the knee

Hello Toky,

4 more patches to go, and I can report great improvement!

I can bend the knee, the lump in the back is so much smaller, (by half?) I think. Not even thinking of a drain needle and cortisone shot at this point.

Thank you so much.

North Carolina, United States
Bursa on knee

Dear Friends at MediWise,

I had what a nurse practitioner at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London called ‘that huge bursa’ on my right knee as a direct result of falling from the top of a railway staircase when the city was inundated with a snowfall and resulting ice.

I received your patches the day before yesterday, and after two nights am now completely back to normal. I cannot thank you enough. This is one of the BEST investments I have ever made, and I will certainly be happy to recommend it to anyone who is looking for rapid relief from bursitis.

Cheers for now,

Bruce W
London, United Kingdom
General Bursitis

Dear Toky,   Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll look forward using the patches again as they were so successful last time.   Kind regards

Merle O
London, United Kingdom
Knee problems

Hi Toky Sorry my delay in responding to your email.  I have been off line.  Thank you so much for the patches, I have been putting up with pain for months since a fall. I have used them on my knees the last two nights, what a difference, I cannot believe it…  Lucky timing my […]

Judith W
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Bursitis of the elbow, knee swelling & leg cramps

My husband healed his bursitis of the elbow with your patches. –

They are amazing, and he is now using 2 patches on each knee at night for knee swelling, and it seems to give him amazing relief from cramps in his legs that kept him awake throughout every night for years.

He has used everything from niacin to bars of ivory soap between the sheets.

Sheila W
Connecticut, United States
General Bursitis

Hi Toky Just letting you know that I received my patches on Tuesday.  I used them on Tuesday and Wednesday night and have had a wonderful result, with the bursitis basically disappearing. Thank you so much, having no pain is wonderful. Regards

Kerry L
QLD, Australia
Knee Bursitis

Hello Jasmine,

I just wanted to say that my husband has been using the patches for a few days now and they have definitely made a difference to his knee.

I have brought some more from one of your UK stockists, The Health Workshop, and they, like you, could not have been more helpful.

Thank you!

Pamela A
Welshpool Powys, United Kingdom
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