Garry I. Gracey


My name is Garry Gracey; I am a former HANDBALL CHAMPION.  I banged my elbow while playing handball.  It became swollen after a few days and my family doctor recommended not to drain the bursa on the elbow but to have it take its natural healing course. “Being impatient” I googled and found OSMO Patches.  They were AMAZING in such that after 5 applications of OSMO patches the swelling on my elbow disappeared.

For a visual of the before and after, attached are the pictures.
Thank you very much,


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Knee swelling and Pain

Hi Jasmine, After several years my wife finally tried your patch…she is a convert. Thanks for your continued help.

Don C
FL, United States
Shoulder bursa

Hello Toky, Thanks Toky. Last lot sure made a difference.  I was able to not be awakened by an aching bursa during the night.  One night before; was so bad that I had to sit in a lounge chair and ice my shoulder regularly through the night Told the doctor about the patches and twice […]

Al M
Southland, New Zealand
Elbow bursitis

Hi, I wanted to send you a testimonial on the patches.

I woke up one Saturday morning and saw a bulge on my elbow with fluid in there and decided to Google it. I learnt many people opted to drain it. That was not appealing to me at all!

I discovered the OSMO Patches and ordered them. After using the first 3 patches, I noticed my bursitis getting smaller. After the 9th it was almost gone, then totally gone after the 10th patch. Using your patches saved me from having a doctor drain the fluid…thanks!!!

If I know of anyone with bursitis I will be sending them to you ASAP!

Les S
Vancouver, Canada
Joint Pain

They work so well for my husband I placed another double order yesterday so I have them on hand when he needs them. The patches are the only thing that has ever given him relief.

Ann W
SC, United States
Ankle (Achilles Bursitis)

About 2 years ago I developed bursitis on my right ankle which was extremely painful. I tried traditional physio, ultrasound, laser, and stretching to no avail.

I discovered the OSMO Patch website and decided to keep an open mind and try the OSMO Patch.

After all those months of continuous pain, much to my surprise, I experienced a significant improvement such that I can now walk several kilometers, and am not in constant pain all day long! I have now ordered a 3rd set of Patches, and am sure these will end the problem entirely.

Dave Livingstone
British Columbia, Canada
Bursitis in the knee


I ordered these patches for my son who has terrible bursitis in his knee. He owns a carpet installing business, and the constant kicking has really damaged his knee.

He took meds, had a steroid shot, nothing worked. The doctor told him he needed surgery. I had found your patches online, and they have worked for him.

Thanks so much, Sincerely

Sandra C
Rochester, United States
Excruciating pain of bursitis

Please pass on my eternal thanks for this product. I would like to say how wonderful the patches are.  I am proof that they work. I am 80 years old and had the excruciating pain of bursitis for 10 days. I used up three boxes of painkillers to no avail.  Then in desperation looked on […]

Mavis S.
Gartempe, France
General Bursitis

Hi Patches have arrived promptly, I have tried them, they have made a difference, thank you.

John H
Essex, United Kingdom
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