Dawn T
Just a feedback on the patches. I was certainly won over by them. Great product and would recommend them. Merry Xmas to all.
Just a feedback on the patches. I was certainly won over by them. Great product and would recommend them. Merry Xmas to all.
Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!
I have worn the patch for 2 months and it has drained the fluid out of shoulder and reduced the pain significantly.
Hi there!
I’ve been wanting to write you about your product, OSMO Patches.
I have a baker’s cyst behind my knee that I’ve had aspirated three times at great expense. After the third time of aspiration, the doctor injected steroids, stating that I most likely wouldn’t ever have another problem. Well, my cyst began to return in about 3 days and was soon as large as it had been before my procedure. Tears.
Long story short, I went online and found your product, OSMO Patches. I was so excited to try it. The first night nothing really happened; but the second morning when I removed the patch, I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was thrilled!!! It really worked! I kept using your patches and after about a week my cyst was hardly noticeable! AND THAT’S THE TRUTH!!
Thank you so much for developing OSMO Patches, I’m still amazed as to how they work?!
I got my patches. I used it for 12 hrs last night.
The patch was wet and my knee feels better.
Hi Just a quick note that I feel I needed to write about the OSMO Patches. In September I tripped over while running and fell on my knee which left me with a fractured bone at the back of my knee which in turn ruptured my cruciate ligament. Although back on track now after various […]
I received the patches on SATURDAY and this is working fine. THANKS
Hi Toky, I wish to say that I have found the patches to be a great benefit to me and have had more relief from them that I have had with any other treatment including 4 cortisone injections. You are quite welcome to give my testimony to any prospective user and, if necessary, they can […]
Thanks again. I found the first batch really worked!! You have a wonderful product
I ordered these patches for my son who has terrible bursitis in his knee. He owns a carpet installing business, and the constant kicking has really damaged his knee.
He took meds, had a steroid shot, nothing worked. The doctor told him he needed surgery. I had found your patches online, and they have worked for him.
Thanks so much, Sincerely
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