Colleen O

Hi Toky,

Just received patches this afternoon. Thank you for the prompt service. I am pleased we found you on the internet. The product does help

Warm regards


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

General Bursitis

I bought OSMO product hoping it would work for my bursitis.  I am pleased to say it did I am very satisfied.  Could you send me any info you have of other products. Please.   Thank you

Joyce B.
New Jersey, United States
General Bursitis

Hi Toky Just letting you know that I received my patches on Tuesday.  I used them on Tuesday and Wednesday night and have had a wonderful result, with the bursitis basically disappearing. Thank you so much, having no pain is wonderful. Regards

Kerry L
QLD, Australia
General Bursitis

Hi Toky We are both very appreciative of your offer and we will certainly keep it to ourselves. My wife has had several months without pain so the patches really work and she is looking forward to the arrival of the new ones. Again thank you Regards

Don C
VIC, Australia
Bursitis in my Elbow

Attention Toky, Customer care.

Hi Toky, just to say we’ve ordered 20 more patches as the first lot really improved the Bursitis in my Elbow. It reduced the pain mainly, but although it seems full of fluid in the mornings the swelling has not reduced greatly.

Mind you it’s quite an art fitting them firmly to an elbow and still being able to move!


John W
QLD, Australia)
Hip bursitis

Hi Toky,

Thank you for the prompt delivery of Patches. They arrived early Tuesday morning.

My wife used one last night on her hip and was surprised to find this morning that it was damp. There was a marked decrease in pain in the bursitis area. Of course, it is far too early to judge results yet, but the signs are encouraging so early. We will let you know later how the treatment performs over time. The location in the hip area will be a very good test, being so deep-seated.

Thanks again,

Kindest regards

Bob & Marjorie B
NSW, Australia
Hip problems


I have just started using OSMO patches on my hip and have had some significant relief after only two nights of use.

I was wondering if they could also work on a large ganglion on a wrist?


Peg S
Texas, United States
Heel bursitis

Hi Toky, the patches are starting to offer relief for my son’s heel. He is finally looking on the bright side.

Over the past month, he has had 2 drainages, 2 cortisone shots, and referred to 2 different specialists. The end result was either an operation to shave the bone, reattach the tendon and be off his game for a season…..not his option.

So I started the patches on him that night. The next day relief was evident. We have used 6 so far and he can now feel the bone in his heel. It is still red, but nowhere as bad. Still tender, but not as painful.

Thank you so much.

Colleen O
NSW, Australia
General Bursitis

Hi Toky The patches work so well. I will have to keep these ones for myself.  I have been convincing others of their worth. Many, many thanks

Judith W
Palmerston North, New Zealand
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