Carolyn L
Thanks. I am finding the patches brilliant.
Thanks. I am finding the patches brilliant.
Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!
Dear Toky I have used the 10 patches and I have felt significant improvement, albeit not a total cure at this point. But, the Radiologist did tell me my bursitis was as bad as the man who came off a motorbike and his is the worst case they have seen. Please note I have shared […]
About 2 years ago I developed bursitis on my right ankle which was extremely painful. I tried traditional physio, ultrasound, laser, and stretching to no avail.
I discovered the OSMO Patch website and decided to keep an open mind and try the OSMO Patch.
After all those months of continuous pain, much to my surprise, I experienced a significant improvement such that I can now walk several kilometers, and am not in constant pain all day long! I have now ordered a 3rd set of Patches, and am sure these will end the problem entirely.
The patches arrived. Thank you very much.
I have used 3 and they are very good. They certainly draw the liquid away from the back of my knee.
Thanks very much
I have had terrible bursitis pain in my right shoulder since Christmas eve, 2017. Have been on various analgesics (on and off) since with varying degrees of success. I stumbled upon your product a few days ago and thought “What the heck, I’ll give it a go as nothing else has worked”. I’ve used the […]
Dear Toky,
Thank you for your answer. My cyst is on the medial ventral surface of my knee. I have been placing the patches directly on top of the cyst, although it cannot be seen, but I know where it is from the ultrasound studies and the pain.
I believe the area is healing and am very pleased with your product. I keep losing my cane and that is a good sign and means I am needing it less every day.
Thank you again.
Hi, My 81-year-old mother has been suffering from hip bursitis for several years.
She got some relief from regular corticosteroid injections. However, the last time she had this treatment, the injection was not carried out properly and she was in agony for several days. Consequently, she has been frightened to receive this treatment again, and the pain was getting progressively worse. She had not been sleeping and could not walk far.
I found the OSMO website and thought I’d give it a go. My mum has just completed the first course of 10 patches, and she has a completely new lease of life. It really is amazing how quickly this treatment has had an effect. She has been sleeping much better and walked further at the weekend than she has for many months. I have ordered a further 20 patches. Many thanks.
Eight years ago I had a work place accident and injured my left shoulder (bursitis and tendentious). After extensive physio & sports rehab the doctors advised me to get cortisone injections. Not only was this a painful procedure, it didn’t work! I proceeded to have physio treatment off and on for the next 8 years, […]
Please pass on my eternal thanks for this product. I would like to say how wonderful the patches are. I am proof that they work. I am 80 years old and had the excruciating pain of bursitis for 10 days. I used up three boxes of painkillers to no avail. Then in desperation looked on […]
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