Am I able to use the patches while pregnant or breastfeeding?

The patches haven’t been evaluated for use on pregnant women or while breast feeding and therefore we don’t recommend the use of the patches while pregnant or during breastfeeding.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst


I recently ordered the OSMO Patches and have already felt the pain decrease on my baker’s cyst.

Thank you.

Patricia N
Arizona, United States
General Bursitis

Dear Toky,   Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll look forward using the patches again as they were so successful last time.   Kind regards

Merle O
London, United Kingdom
Baker's cyst

I used the patch for 3 days and I do a difference in the size of the cyst, how many days in a row can the patch be used? Any restrictions?

Elizabeth C.
New Jersey, United States
Baker's Cyst

Thank you for your information. We have experienced a great effect on my mother’s Baker cyst.

Neval A
VIC, Australia
General Bursitis

Hi, Just a feedback on the patches. I was certainly won over by them. Great product and would recommend them. Merry Xmas to all. Regards

Dawn T
VIC, Australia
Baker's Cyst

I just want to let you know that I had a very painful Bakers Cyst behind my right knee. I had around 20 patches, one each night and the cyst has gone.

Such a great relief from the pain.

I am back again buying more as I have some fluid on top of the knee, but thought I would mention it to you.

Kind regards

Carole M
London, UK
Baker's Cyst

I don’t know how to submit a testimonial, so I am just sending you a thank-you note.

I had a baker’s cyst over a year ago, and with time (months), it diminished. Doctor said he did not recommend anything but the R.I.C.E. therapy (which helped some). Thought it was a one and done, but no. Fast forward a year and after “dancing” on a ladder to paint the garage, I remember a knee twinge and within ten days, another swelling in the back and very painful.

A neighbor mentioned she had the same issue and used your patch. Had an extra one for me to try. All I can say is, “Wow” and “Thank you.” In one use, I can walk more comfortably and not cringe every time I sit down and stand up. I’ve ordered more.

Regina L
GA, United States
Baker's cyst

Dear Toky,

Thank you for the OSMO patches.

I’m seeing a big reduction in the swelling and pain.


Margery D
New York, United States
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